Thursday, December 4, 2014

Learning how to pray

Lately, I am learning how to pray.
To pray specific prayers,
to pray the words of Scripture because often we do not know what to ask for,
to pray for God's will to be done,
to pray wisely by firstly knowing God's Word more,
and to pray persistently (if we don't even remember to ask God every day, we probably don't have the urgency and heart for the prayer request we are making e.g. praying for the salvation of a family member/friend).

I admit to failing to set apart time to properly pray. It is something that I want to do more and more because I know how important it is to pray and communicate with my Almighty God. If I believe in the power of prayer and indeed God wants us to pray to Him, why don't I pray more often? I am seeking God's grace to help me learn how to pray more.

 I need Thee every hour

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