Thursday, May 24, 2018

Writing #1

Having a routine, keeping it simple. These are what I most admire in the bloggers and instagrammers who inspire me nowadays. I wish that I have this quality in myself now.
The ability to write well, without fearing what I write is not presentable or inaccurate.
The ability to have consistency in photo taking and editing style. Sharing my work and hobby with the world without worrying about what others think of what I put out there. I would always have periods of when I feel like posting on IG or writing a blog post. Then there would be a hiatus when I do not feel like posting at all. It's like I have a social media mood swing.

I was happy to have written something yesterday morning (it was for a jobs questionnaire). I just let my words flow instead of thinking too much and when I proofread it to edit it, I was surprised that the sentences were put together quite nicely. I still have it inside of me to write and to produce worthwhile things even though I've been feeling like I lack talent and skills in doing anything since I've been jobless. All those applications sent out with no replies do add up to discourage a person over time. It's ruthless like that.

I had started a reading project and I am kind of at the low point now where I do not feel the motivation to keep up with it but I will pick it up at a fuller speed soon, I believe I will. I stopped my 365 photo project because I started feeling the dread of posting things that do not inspire me.

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