Saturday, May 26, 2018

Writing #2

Holy Spirit, live in me
You guide me and remind me of all Your Ways
Your Word is life to my weary soul

Holy Spirit, forgive me
I have forgotten Your power
Wanderer, I had been one

Dear Holy Spirit, thank you
You are the life-giver, You make me rejoice
In Your love

Revived, comforted, saved and safe
A sojourner who found solace
In the Mighty and Trustworthy One

Thank you, God. Three-in-One, Mystery, Beauty, and Love.

-> I was reminded by Lindsay and Mic, two very good sisters-in-Christ who have been constant encouragers and gentle presences in my life. When I felt misunderstood, they would speak gentle words of wisdom and truth into my stubborn soul and encourage me to slowly, just would you turn to God? And my hardened heart would slowly let the crack of light in. After a long period of negativity surrounding my transition to a new place, I have finally experienced the Holy Spirit's work in me in a real and immediate way! Seeing how He can change my heart and previously built-up perceptions about certain people and situation (related to HK) is so freeing and amazing! I suddenly reclaimed my identity as a child of God who is free to live a life that roots itself in the joy and peace God gives! No longer sulky and doubtful about what the future brings but full of expectancy in God's faithfulness and power to work through my life--if only I would have let Him!
Thank you Jesus! You are wonderful and beautiful and everything I need.

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